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Компания: Сертификаты

ISO 13485: 2016 (MDSAP Audit Model Edition 2)
Design, manufacturing, and distribution of dental implants, dental instruments, superstructures, drills, orthodontic screws, crest widener and resorbable dental bone graft, crown set, custom made surgical guides, custom made CAD/CAM abutments, crowns and bridges.
EN ISO 13485 2016
ISO 13485
Design, manufacture, and sale of dental implants, superstructures, dental instruments, drills, orthodontic screws, crest widener and resorbable bone graft.
EC Certificate June 2017 1
EC Certificate for dental implants, abutments, superstructures, drills, orthodontic screws, crest widener and Bond Bone™.
DSC 1695 1
US Food and Drug Administration.
israel ministry of health 1
Israel Ministry of Health
Dental implants and superstructures.
EC BondBone
BONDBONE EC Certificate
BONDBONE EC Design Examination Certificate
ISO 14001 2015 1
ISO 14001
Design, manufacture and sale of dental implants and dental accessories.
Converted e1553515134302
OHSAS 18001:2007
Design, manufacture, and sale of dental implants and dental accessories.
ISO 9001 IQNet 1
ISO 9001:2008
Design, manufacture, and sale of dental implants and dental accessories.